Thursday, June 17, 2010

MooGoo Products - Feedback

Of all the MooGoo products, what I like most is the Scalp Cream and it is soothing and soften my scalp. The Udder cream & P cream have yet to show improvement. Guess I have to be patience and maybe taking a longer period. Talking about cream & ointment.
It seems there is some other ointment called DIPROSALIC which could be helpful for the spots. But the setback is this ointment with Steriods and thinning the skin. Long term usage may damage the nerves as my doctor said.

Anyway for now I will continue using the MooGoo and hope for better result.

Meantime my intake of Olivenol remain same with twice daily and all seems to be under control for my body. However occasional spot surfaces around my elbows.

My workload last 2 weeks has been rather stressful with travelling and now having the flu/cough. Hopefully to recover soon for my mountain biking ride.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

MooGoo Products

Finally, I received these MooGoo products yesterday. it is a natural based products and gentle to my scalp. Hoping this will alleviate my scaly scalp. Apart from the shampoo & conditioner, I have also tried the scalp cream and other cream as well.
I will continue to post the result as a sharing to all on the effectiveness against P.

Anyway, my Olivenol remain with Twice Daily intakes and regular exercise. At the moment all are under control / stabilize however the exposure under the sun on both my arms will aggravate the P after my mountain biking ride.
Life goes on ...... as usual with or without the P.